Thursday, January 26, 2012

How to cook omelets?

Upon realizing that there was no "real people" breakfast food in my apartment, my boyfriend decided that we should make omelets, despite not having any idea of how to do so. And instead of using the internet to look up how to make one, he decided that we should just be able to wing it. The results were pretty good, although how much they resemble omelets is debatable.

Stuff you should obtain:
3-4 eggs
Pre-diced ham
1 bell pepper
1 red onion
Shredded cheese

Notes about ingredients: Obviously, one of the best parts about an omelet is that you get to put whatever you want into it. Generally for me this would mean whatever is randomly in my refrigerator, but since I went to the store to specifically get ingredients, I ended up with a better selection.

What you should do:
1) Cut up all your ingredients!
This takes a stupidly long time to do, specifically if you only have one decent knife and one person with borderline knife skills who is scared of knives. I tend to think that smaller pieces are better in this case, but if you get fed up with cutting things just dump in huge chunks of onion. I won't judge.

2) Whisk your eggs!
We made two omelets, one for both of us. I was pretty satisfied with 3 eggs and my boyfriend was good with 4. However many you use, just dump them in a bowl and whisk them around. A fork will suffice if you're not fancy enough to have a whisk.

At this point we used two different methods for each omelet, both with varied success. The first one kind of got overcooked eggs but looked like an omelet and the second one had nicely cooked eggs but only kind of looked right.

Version 1:
3) Cook the eggs!
Pour the whisked eggs into a frying pan with medium-low heat. And just sit there and watch it cook for a while until you decide you want to flip it. Mine was getting kind of cooked through on the top when I flipped it, and it resulted in a really brown-ish cooked side. Because there was no way of actually cooking the ingredients this way, we just kind of dumped the ingredients on top of the egg so they got a little warm. Once the underside was cooked, which didn't take long, the omelet was transferred to a plate.

Version 1

Version 2:
3) Cook the eggs!
In this version the eggs were poured in the pan just like the first omelet. After it cooked for a few minutes, but while the eggs were still runny, the ingredients were plopped in the middle. Once I thought the bottom of the egg was firm enough, I flipped it over the ingredients to make a half-moon shape. I flipped it a few times, trying to make sure that the inside didn't have any uncooked egg, but also trying to make sure that the outside didn't burn. Luckily, the egg didn't burn, but the omelet fell apart in places and the ingredients started to spew out.

Version 2

4) Eat the omelet!
What are you waiting for? Eat your delicious breakfast!

Leftover Capability:
An omelet is kind of a one-off meal - there's really not much to be said for leftovers. However, even after making two omelets, I had leftover ingredients of everything.

But What About My Money?:
1 dozen eggs$1.79
1 bell pepper$0.89
1 package diced ham$3.59
1 red onion$1.27
Considering I made two omelets, this comes out to $3.77 per omelet, not including the leftover ingredients. Definitely a bargain compared to eating out.

Final Grade: B+
This meal gets a B+ from me not because of taste, but primarily because of execution. It tasted really good, especially with the mix of ingredients I used. However, I think that the way I cooked the egg part of the omelet didn't really turn out the way that I'm used to getting it in a restaurant. I'm definitely going to have to experiment to see what works better in the future.